Thursday, August 30, 2012

VIEW Conference : presentation MARCO MAZZAGLIA

T Manager and Video Game Evangelist – Milestone

Marco Mazzaglia was born in Turin in 1974.  At the age of 3 he had the first “contact” with computer and video games. Several years later he earned his degree in Computer Science at “Università degli Studi di Torino”, writing a graduation thesis about DyLog, a metalanguage of Prolog for the Artificial Intelligence.
In 1996 with other 23 people he founded a Social Co-operative, “La Bussola”, in order to deliver services related to web technologies and to teach the use of the Internet to no-lucrative organizations.
In his first job he worked on web architectures and localization based services for the Ministry of the Interior and the Italian State Police.
By January 2008 he works as IT Manager and Video Game Evangelist for Milestone; in this context, he takes care of the development systems and he works on the online game architectures.

Feature Presentation: THE DARK SIDE OF VIDEO GAMES

Are video games made only for fun? Can a game tell something or teach? One hour trip through less known side of video game art among commercial, serious games and other interesting applications related to video games.


Since their birth, the opportunity to make products in freedom has been a trait of milestones in video games history. During the workshop the attendee will discover the origins of independent development and the tools to create his own masterpiece.
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